The Glass Hut


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The Glass Hut

I started my business in May 2014. Throughout the years weā€™ve been open, we have seen a lot of beautiful art come and go, and we carry so much local art. We have glass from over 200 artists. Some are well known and some arenā€™t, but regardless, their art is beautiful. Many of the artists are from Colorado, but we get glass from across the nation. We try to have items that people will enjoy whether youā€™re looking for something special or something simple.   My parents didnā€™t do anything close to retail but what drew me to this type of business was the industry overallā€“mostly everyone Iā€™ve met is nice and humble. I chose this field not only for the kindness but because even though thereā€™s competition, everyone is still up for giving advice and sharing ideas. Iā€™m thankful to everyone for their support over the past years. Every year is better than the next and the best is still yet to come!


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