Claudia's Beauty Salon


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Claudia's Beauty Salon

I was born in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is considered the gateway to the Mayan world. I am from Candelaria Campeche, Mexico near the border of Guatemala where rivers run, lush jungles are all around you, and there is an abundance of nature tourism. The Rio de Candelaria borders Guatemala near a sacred crossroads with more than 30 archaeological sites, such as the tiger, which was occupied for more than 2,500 years before the conquest of the Spaniards. In 1525, HernƔn Cortez visited this area and took Emperor Cuahthemoc prisoner, whom he executed after the conquest of Tenochtitlan; hence the legend that the remains of Cuahthemoc, the last Aztec Emperor, rest here. People from that area have customs and land which are extraordinarily preserved. With many lagoon rivers, this region is ideal for water sports and nature photography. My land is stunning! In Mexico, I graduated as a hair stylist and worked for a short time there. I immigrated to the United States in 2005 and chose to be in Denver. Initially, I worked in another beauty salon but then purchased this beauty salon in 2009. I have 6 stations, and 6 employees. In front, I also have a station for nails. My beauty salon is located in the heart of the Westwood neighborhood. We cut and style hair, have various dyes, highlights, and in short, can do any personalized service to please our client. I am happy working in the neighborhood; I invite everyone who has not come to visit us!


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