Jaime Auto Body


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Jaime Auto Body

I was born in a small town called Cerro Gordo and I grew up in a humble family. We faced some tough times trying to make ends meet, but I never gave up on my dreams. I have a great passion for cars, which led me to start my own body shop business more than 17 years ago. I have many loyal customers who trust me because I always do my best to provide excellent services. Although I studied to become a chef, my love for cars led me to work with my father in his body shop. I am proud to serve my community, and I always welcome everyone to my shop. I especially love working with young people and teaching them the craft of bodywork. One of my employees is learning from me, and he is doing his best to become the best he can be. I hope that someday, he will also have his own place to work.   Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my community and follow my passion for cars. I hope to continue doing so for many years to come.


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