London Beauty Salon


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London Beauty Salon

I have been a stylist for nearly twenty years. My husband and I bought the London Beauty Salon in 2017 intending to provide affordable and stylish hairstyles for men and women. I want to grow my business by offering facial treatments and massages, which are usually unaffordable in my community. I also would like to create a place in society where beauty is accessible and everyone feels welcome. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has put some of these plans on hold. I had to close my salon for two months during the pandemic. I struggled to pay rent while my business was closed and am now having difficulty finding enough stylists to staff the salon.   As the owner, I had to teach myself how to be a manager. Iā€™m interested in classes that can help me grow my capacity as a manager and teach me how to expand my business in the future. What I enjoy most about my job is that in my business, I can spend all day in my salon and feel at peace. It is challenging to be the owner and a coworker but I am continually working on getting better as a boss and a manager.


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